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Everlast Blades
We think our Sharpening Service is one of the best around. This Free Sharpening offer will give you an opportunity to
see just how good they are. To see rates for blade and bit sharpening click here.
Any blades or bits not purchased thru or blades sent in 6 months after purchased will be
EVERLAST began with the belief that quality and service to its customers was the formula for future success. Founded by Mr. Pat Farengo in 1947, EVERLAST started as a service company specializing in the maintenance of cutting tools used in the woodworking industry.
As the introduction and use of Tungsten Carbide Tipped Tools became more widely acceptable in woodworking, EVERLAST began to specialize in TCT Tooling and started to manufacture specialty tooling, router bits, and saw blades.
In 1974 EVERLAST turned all of its attention and efforts to producing the highest quality TCT Saw Blades and now carries a product range from 2 inches to 18 inches in diameter in its standard program and 2 inches to 22 inches in diameter in its custom made saw program. Millimeter sizes are also included.
CARBIDE TIP: Extremely hard and brittle man made material which actually comes in contact with material being cut. Cemented carbide generally is composed of tungsten carbide powder and cobalt which acts as a bonding agent.
PLATE: Name given to circular body of saw in which teeth are machined in and carbide tips are inserted usually
using silver solder as a bonding agent.
SHOULDER: Portion of tooth directly behind tip in which tungsten carbide is brazed giving strength and support
during cutting operation.
HOOK OR RAKE ANGLE: Angle formed when cutting tooth meets center line.
GULLET: Normally circular shape at bottom of a carbide tip which allows for continuous flow of chips during cutting operation.
ARBOR HOLE, BORE, or I.D.: Term used for center hole in saw which is used to mount blade on machine arbor.
Measured in inches or millimeters.
KEYWAY: Used on certain machines normally involving multiple blades on one arbor with automatic feeds to prevent slippage of saws during cutting.
PIN HOLE: Same application as keyway except machine normally has only one saw blade.
EXPANSION SLOT: Allows for heat expansion of steel during cutting operation to avoid possible cracking in plate.
GAUGE: Measurement of thickness of steel plate (body).
DIAMETER (O.D.): Measurement of particular cutting tool from the point of one tooth to the point of another tooth
which lies directly opposite.
KERF: Measurement in inches or millimeters which tells the width of a particular cutting tool.