Just what is a Christian owned company anyway? Well, it’s simple, it's a company owned by Christians and operated in a Christian-like manner. We’ll treat you like a father should treat a son and we’ll try not to let you down. We’ll be there to help you as much as you need us to be. We'll make mistakes, we'll correct them, and ask for your forgiveness. We'll do our best to treat you fairly and honestly, and more. When I started this company in 1986 I thought I lived and worked by these very same values, but then I found Him… This short message is meant to convey, to anyone interested, how my life was impacted when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Let me preface the following with this… accepting Christ in your life is a personal thing and it effects people differently. The one common link to all Born Again Christians is that we know we have been saved and there will be a place for us in our Fathers kingdom when the time comes. If nothing else, the next few paragraphs will hopefully start you thinking about yourself, your family, your life and your salvation. I didn’t really feel my life was bad before I asked Christ into my life and I still don’t. I loved my wife and my family, I worked hard and I treated others, as I wanted them to treat me. So I guess you could say that I led a pretty normal, happy life. But something was missing and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. A few months before actually asking Christ into my life I was miserable. I was having trouble with my son, business was a drag and my relationship with my wife wasn’t what I wanted it to be. The first real knock on my door was when a friend, Mitch Drake, talked with me while helping with some tree work. God knocked another time through Mitch but I remained alone spiritually. My daughter Loreal had come to Christ some time earlier and I had noticed a change in her life. I was scheduled to leave the country around Oct of 1999. The closer the date came the more my thoughts were of Christ. The night before leaving I walked into my daughters room and asked her to help me to find Him. We prayed together, cried a while and hugged. I must admit that I didn’t really feel any different at the time and I was actually a little disappointed. I left for Germany and found I was quite wrong. All I could think of was God; all I could talk about was God. My traveling companion, a friend from New York, was amazed at the change in me. I realized the change in myself when I found myself in Amsterdam. If any of you have been there you know it’s no place for a new Christian. I managed to avoid Satan the entire time I was there and I actually felt good about myself. /p> There have been a lot of good changes in my life but they’ve happened so slowly that I really didn’t notice them until I looked back. I have found that walking with Christ in my heart can make every day life very complicated but at the same time, I don’t think I’d want it any other way. John Michaels President Specialtytools.com